These tips may work for different people at different times, so only try what you feel comfortable with and try not to put too much pressure on yourself.
If you can, try to relax, take notice of the present moment and use your creative side to express your feelings. Try our relaxation and mindfulness for top tips.
Read, listen to podcasts, watch films or do puzzles.
Try an online course such as FutureLearn and OpenLearn.
Download an app to learn something new, such as a foreign language.
Trying out a new winter routine might help give you a sense of change. You could cook some new winter recipes, or learn a new skill.
If you're working from home, you may find it helpful to read tips from Mind staff on home working. If you're a key worker, we also have some advice and information to help you cope.
Make plans to video chat, call or text people.
If you're feeling low or anxious, it may help to talk to someone you trust.
You can also join our peer support community.
Visit our coronavirus and wellbeing hub for more information