Examples from the sector
Examples of existing activities from the sector
The #RunAndRevise programme is a 6 week course aimed at students. With a focus on mindfulness and movement, the course introduces a toolkit of strategies to reduce stress at exam time.
The session cards were created by the Muddy Runners running group as part of England Athletics' #RunAndRevise initiative.
Lord's Taverners provide inclusive and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.
Their 'Emotions Cricket' and ‘Kindness Matters’ session plans provide a range of cricket-based activities to encourage children to explore their feelings and emotions.
Chance to Shine deliver programmes to give children the chance to not only play cricket, but grow a love for the sport, learn vital life skills, improve wider wellbeing and fulfil their potential.
Their 'Not Your Average' session plan provides cricket-based games which explore themes including being out of your comfort zone and overcoming a tough spell.
Click here for more resources from Chance to Shine.
Fight for Peace support young people to reach their full potential and to promote peace.
Their Life Champions course is an online eLearning for sports coaches who want to learn how to use their sport as a tool for youth development. The Life Champions kitbag includes a range of activities, including Ball juggle.
Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues (TAMHI) uses games and activities to raise mental health awareness for young people.
TAMHI's Mental Wealth Games programme promotes mental health literacy and positive wellbeing through play. TAMHI engages with sports clubs, youth groups and schools in Northern Ireland.
Watch the video overview of TAMHI's Mental Wealth Games.
The Mental Health Foundation have developed activities which can be used as a part of a sport or activity session.
The Dice Game gives young people the opportunity to talk about a range of emotions they experience when playing the game. From the joy of victory to the frustration of their paper being taken away.
Stormbreak aim to improve children’s mental health through movement. Stormbreak concepts focus on resilience, self-care, relationships, self-worth, and hope and optimism.
Find a stormbreak to do by exploring their videos.
Watch the example stormbreak activity or view the video bank.